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Admission for foreigners to full-time first cycle (Bachelor’s) programme

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| Magdalena Skowiniak-Jałocha

Minimal points required for admission - for foreigners - in the academic year 2024/2025 
Global Finance and Accounting -  118,8 points

If in the Internet Recruitment of Candidates (tab - Enrollment Applications) the qualification status for a given major programme is: not qualified, i.e. that you have not been qualified for admission. Decisions regarding the refusal of admission will be posted on the candidates' accounts by the end of July.

in the academic year 2024/2025

If in the Internet Recruitment of Candidates (tab - Enrollment Applications) the qualification status is: qualified, i.e. that you have been qualified for admission to a given major programme. After submitting to us all required documents for studies, in the decision field will appear: "admitted".


In order to avoid queues and streamline the process of submitting documents, the University Recruitment Committee decided to set specific deadlines for confirming admission to studies for individual major of programme.
Therefore, we kindly ask You to follow the schedule below.

However, if the Candidate or his representative, for important reasons, will not be able to submit the documents on the day set for each major, he may come on another day - from 18 to 24 July.
Additionally, those, for who it is difficult to come to Poland, can send documents by post/courier. The Teaching Department should be informed about the sending of the documents by e-mail sent to the Unit for Teaching Administration (studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl

Submitting documents:
17 - 18 September 2024 r. (Tuesday, Wednesday) - from 9 am to 2 pm
Krakow University of Economics
ul. Rakowicka 27
31-510 Kraków
Pavilion B (entrance through Pavilion C)
room 054


1) Another person may submit documents on behalf of the candidate.
In such a case  power of attorney is required (without notarization).
he Representative is obligated to deliver:
- fulfilled form of power of attorney,
- personal ID,
- copy of candidate’s ID/passport,
- all required documents for admission (from Step 2).

2)  If the candidate is under age, he/she must provide: Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s Declaration of Consent for the Krakow University of Economics Study Candidate.

Form of power of attorney and Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s Declaration are posted on the website: study.uek.krakow.pl in the tab. Files to download or on IRKEnrollment applications – Documents and further steps.

Required documents:

1.Printout of personal questionnaire – from Online Candidate Admissions (the questionnaire is available in the Enrollment application – Documents and further steps. Before printing out the questionnaire, you should check the correctness of the entered data),
2.Copy of certificate of graduating from secondary school (secondary education) with legalization or apostille and translation of the certificate into the Polish language - the original available for reviev,
Statutory declaration confirming that the secondary-school certificate entitles the holder to apply for admission to university studies of any kind of university studies in the country in which the secondary-school certificate was issued. – original and copy – not applicable to certificates issued in Ukraine          
4. Decision about recognition of secondary-school certificate, issued by Kuratorium Oświaty w Polsce (Board of Education), - the original available for review,
Proof of English language competence: English certificate (original and copy),
6.Copy of passport/ID Card – the original available for reviev,       
7.Statement about citizenship
(form is available for download from university’s website),
8. In the case of persons under age – a parent’s or legal custodian’s statement expressing their approval for a legal commitment to the University of Economics (form is available for download from university’s website),          

Failure to submit required documents implies the removal of a candidate from the list of persons qualified for admission.


All foreign citizens are obliged to present (upon arrival) their current visas or card of stay and insurance.   

1. All foreign students should have an insurance policy for sickness and accident in Poland. Such a policy should cover at least the first year of studies, amounting to 30,000 EUR for medical treatment throughout the insured period.
2. In the case of the holders of the Card of the Pole or a permanent residence permit or the decision confirming Polish descent, an NFZ premium can be paid by the university. For this purpose, they should contact Office for Scholarships and Medical Insurance (Biuro Stypendiów i Ubezpieczeń Zdrowotnych), Main Building, room 215 (second floor).

An insurance policy can be confirmed in the following way:

1. an insurance policy with Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia NFZ, ul. Wadowicka 8W Kraków (the National Health Fund)
Persons who are not holders of the Card of the Pole may sign a contract with Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia and make premium payments on their own. A copy of a contract along with payment confirmations should be submitted to Unit for Teaching Administration (Dział Nauczania).

To sign a contract with NFZ (the National Health Fund), a student needs the following documents: a certificate confirming admission to studies, PESEL number, a document confirming a student’s residence (e.g. a residence hall).
Prior to a visit to Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia, please check what documents are required for applying for an insurance policy.

The necessity to check required documents applies, in particular, to persons under age!http://www.nfz.gov.pl/dla-pacjenta/zalatw-sprawe-krok-po-kroku/jak-ubezpieczyc-sie-dobrowolnie/

2. An insurance policy covering the costs of medical treatment in Poland in the amount of 30,000 EUR. An insurance policy issued abroad must be translated into the Polish language.
3. A certificate issued by an employer, confirming the payment of a premium.
4.  European Health Insurance Card (in respect of EU citizens)

All foreigners should legalize their stay in Poland – Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki w Krakowie, Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich Oddział do Spraw Cudzoziemców, ul. Przy Rondzie 6 (Marshal’s Office in Krakow)
-  The citizens of the EU and Switzerland are only required to register their stay (Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki w Krakowie, Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich Oddział do Spraw Cudzoziemców, ul. 
Przy Rondzie 6)


Information about the first information meeting for students admitted to the first year (BA) PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH will be sent directly via e-mails at a later date.


1 October 2024 (Tuesday) – beginning of classes.
Number of students group should be checked in the USOSweb.  Time-table of classes will be available at CUE’s home page:
, in the Timetable tab (Plan zajęć).


All persons admitted to the first year of studies will have an account in USOSweb, which will be used during the whole period of study (http://usosweb.uek.krakow.pl).
Persons confirming undertaking studies (during second step) will receive information on logging into USOSweb.

          ID CARD 
Payments for ID Card (22 PLN) should be made until 22th of September 2024. Information on relevant payables and the bank account number will be available in USOSweb in “Payments FK”, section “DLA WSZYSTKICH (COMMON SECTION)”.     
NOTE!  The number of account for the payment of ID Card is different than the one for application fee.


We would like to inform you that from 29 July in order to choose their language courses, students must register in the USOS system.


The registration will be available from 23/09/2024, 12:00 pm to 29/09/2024, 11:59 am


Please note that in order to register, you need to send all the required documents to the recruitment office and get access to the USOS system.


Full-time  Bachelor’s programme:

As part of the curriculum, students are obliged to take two foreign language courses:

1.      advanced course in English (level B2 or C1) Course code: CJ-S1-1/1-ENG.B2, CJ-S1-1/1-ENG.C1

2.    another foreign language course, the available options are: German A1 or B1, Course code: CJ-S1-1/1-GER.A1, CJ-S1-1/1-GER.B1, Spanish (A1 or B1) Course code: CJ-S1-1/1-SPA.A1, CJ-S1-1/1-SPA.B1,Polish A1 Course code: CJ-S1-1/1-PLO.A1

2.   LLanguage courses  comprise 120 hours  each, divided into 4 semesters.


Please note that the registration for the second language (German, Spanish or Polish for foreigners) is on the ‘first come, first served’ basis.

The choice of groups is the widest at the beginning of the registration period.



Please use the link below to register for USOS:


Please chooseToken registration instruction is available [ here ]

In all messages sent by e-mail to UEK employees, the student is required to include the following data: name, surname, student ID number.

Information on the date and manner of applying for grants for the academic year 2024/25 will be available on USOSweb „Aktualności”/News.

Persons admitted to studies who pay a fee for tuition are obliged  to make payment of fees by bank transfers.
Fees for  first cycle full-time (BA) programme held in English is as follows:

- for each semester – 6000 PLN

Payments for studies should be made by 1 October 2024. Information on relevant payables and the bank account number will be available in USOSweb in “Payments FK”, section “DLA WSZYSTKICH (COMMON SECTION)”.
NOTE!  The number of account for the payment of fees is different than the one for registration fees.

Payment details (if you pay from abroad):
Alior Bank S.A.
ul. Łopuszańska 38D, 02-232 Warszawa
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
ul.Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland

From 27th of  September, 09.00 am to 30th of September 2024, 23.59 pm, USOSweb will activate a token registration for Physical Education classes.        
Information on registration and granted tokens is available in menu: Token REGISTRATIONS, section: FOR STUDENTS.
Information regarding registration will be available on USOSweb „Aktualności”/News.

The schedule of sports activities (hall, gym, swimming pool and recreation room) will be posted on the website of the Center for Physical Education and Sport on 25th of September 2024.














































Admission to full-time (Bachelor's) programme is based on the grades obtained at the secondary school-leaving examination from two subjects. 

Detailed information about the requirements for individual fields of study, is available at www.uek.krakow.pl in the tab Candidates –Recruitment.

The points from certificates of secondary education must be properly calculated. For this purpose, contact the Unit for Teaching Administration (studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl) or check information on how to convert points by yourself at University website: study.uek.krakow.plThe University Enrollment Committee accepts calculated points and determines admission to further qualification.
For each subject considered in the qualification procedure a Candidate can receive a maximum of 100 points. The total number of points received is 200The University Enrollment Committee accepts calculated points and determines admission to further qualification.

Candidates applying for admission to studies may apply to maximum of three major programmes, but they may be admitted only to one major. Candidates are obliged to prioritise major programmes from the most to the least preferred one. Admission to one of the programmes indicates that a Candidate is not admitted to others.
The recruitment process is conducted for major programmes. The launching of the programme is conditioned by an appropriate number of Candidates.


Registration of candidates and payment of the admission fee will take place from 3rd of June to 11th of July 2024.

Candidates who have finished secondary education this year, fulfill necessary educational data (type of document, document year and country of issue) and in “Edit exam results’’ tab mark with V passed subjects without entering final results. After receiving Secondary School Certificate but not further than 11th of July 2024, Candidates are obligated to immediately fulfill the results of examination in the tab, along with document number, date of receiving the document, type, name and place of the institution which issued such certificate. Those who fail to provide such data will not be taken under consideration during the recruitment process. 

It is mandatory to upload the photo in electronic form.


Candidates shall make payment of application fee for the admission procedure. In the academic year 2024/25 the fee is 85 PLN for each chosen major programme. Payment should be made onto individual account number generated in Online Candidate Admissions platform/IRK, latest on the last day of registration. The account number and final amount will appear in ,,Payments'' tab after choosing study programme.
Please state the title of payment as your name and surname.

Additional payment details:
SWIFT: ALBPPLPW, Alior Bank S.A., ul. Łopuszańska 38D, 02-232 Warszawa


Tuition fee for one semester of studies in English language is 6000 PLN.


The admission results will be announced on 17th of July 2024 on the Candidate's account in the Online Candidate Admissions platform/IRK.


Foreigners qualified for admission shall submit required documents from 18 to 24th of July 2024:

  1. Photocopy of certificate of graduating from secondary school (secondary education) with photocopy of transcript of records - originals for view
  2. Legalization/apostille and translation into Polish language - photocopies and originals for view.
  3. Nostryfikacja - decision about recognition of secondary-school certificate, issued by Kuratorium Oświaty w Polsce (Board of Education in Poland) - not applicable to certificates issued in Ukraine.
  4. Statutory declaration confirming that the secondary-school certificate entitles the holder to apply for admission to University studies of any kind in the country of issue (not applicable to certificates issued in Ukraine)photocopy and original for view
  5. Printout of personal questionnaire – from Online Candidate Admissions (the questionnaire is available in the Enrollment application – Documents and further steps. Before printing out the questionnaire, you should enter the appropriate certificate number and the date of issue of document.      
  6. English language Certificate (photocopy and original for view).
  7. Photocopy of passport – original for view.     
  8. Citizenship statement (form is available for download at University website).     
  9. In the case of persons under age – a parent’s or legal custodian’s statement expressing their approval for a legal commitment to the Krakow University of Economics (form is available for download at University website).